Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Marion UFO

The earliest experience that I can recall was an incident that my
father had told me about. Sometime in the mid 1960s, my dad
returned home from work around midnight. We lived on Buffalo
Street in Marion, NY at the time. He was loading the car with
fishing gear for some early morning fishing. While he was doing
this, a bright pale blue light hovered over the area and lit the
community with an eerie daylight appearance. The light remained
over the town for a short time and then disappeared.

Many years later, I heard from a few different sources that a UFO
had landed in one of the playing fields at the school in Marion.
I have never been able to verify this story as true. But, I'm
guessing that it is a story about the same incident.


Anonymous Talana A Erb said...

My family is from Marion on Minsteed Rd. My best friend and I would hang out all the time and last summer we saw several flashing lights of different colors over the hills toward Lyons. My best friend lives on Heidenreich road and we would drive to his house and it would still stay there then just float away and wouldnt see it again for a couple weeks. People thought we were crazy but we know what we saw. lol

2:48 AM  

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