Thursday, November 09, 2006

Haunted Marion Farmhouse

(Names changed)
In the 1970s, my experiences were growing. I had a strong interest
in things like UFOs, ghosts or other paranormal events. At this time,
I was in high school and we were living at what was then, 155 North
Main St. The numbers have since changed. The house is located at
the top of the hill on North Main street and on the town side of the
old cemetary.

I had a friend who's name was Sxxxx. Sxxxx lived on Route 21, just
north of where North Main Street ended. He lived in a big white two
story farmhouse on route 21 with his mother and father. He had an
older brother who was away at college.

Sxxxx and his family were a fairly religious, God fearing family.
One evening, we were settled down at his house watching television.
There were three of us in the house. His mother, Sxxxx and myself.
It was about 8:30 P.M. and we were watching a Cass Elliot Special
while we were waiting for Planet of the Apes to come on at 9:00 P.M.
It was toward the fall season because it was dark outside. Little
did we know that we were about to have a ghostly experience.

All of a sudden, all of us heard what seemed to be the loud footsteps
of someone walking down the hallway upstairs above us! It sounded
like footsteps on a hardwood floor and we heard them travel the
legnth of the hallway! We all looked at each other in surprise. We
were at a loss of what to think or do. Then, we took action!

We went to the bottom of the stairs which, incidently, was within
viewing from where we were in the livingroom. We looked upstairs.
It was very dark. I told them not to turn on the light and that I was
going up. I went quickly up the stairs and reached around the corner
to find the light switch. That's when I was told that he switch was at
the other end of the hall! I told them again not to turn on the light.
I slowly inched my way down the hall. The halway was about 20 feet
long. My back flat against the wall, I stretched my hand down the
wall to find the switch. I had no idea what would happen or what I
would see when I turned on the light.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, I found the light. I flipped
the switch. There it was! NOTHING! By this time, I was a shaking
wreck. We all heard it. It all happened so fast. To add to the mystery,
the stairs and the hallway were all carpeted. There is no way we could
have heard what we heard. We never solved the mystery. I wonder if
anyone has heard the footsteps since. The house is still there today
but, different people are living in it.

NEXT... More Mystery in this house!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had the same Foot Steps above our head, sounded like dress shoes on a wooden floor. My Mom, Aunt and myself all heard it. My father was sleeping, bed ridden with cancer upstairs. We heard it above our heads. Who could it be, Dad could barely put on his slippers without help. We feel to this day it was his deceased father checking in on him. Due to the fact when Grandpa was dying, he kept demanding his dress shoes.

8:09 PM  

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