Saturday, November 18, 2006

My Thoughts About Ouija Boards...

Since my experience with the Ouija board at the farmhouse, I also
have formed other thoughts about the Ouija Magic.

I believe that the human mind is quite complex. It is my belief,
that the Ouija board only serves as a magnifying glass for the
mind. If you watched the video above, you understand what I am
saying. The mind is capable of doing things that we may not
understand and things that we may not normally perform on a regular

I think that humans are probably capable of doing quite a bit more
with their minds than we actually know. Because we are afraid of
the unknown and we don't know what we don't know, I think the Ouija
board is frowned on and viewed as evil when it may simply be a tool
that we can use with our minds. A tool is simply a tool. It can be
used for good, evil or anything. The board, being mostly associated
with evil and the occult in the past, automatically gets bad press
when someday, it may be the tool that helps us fully understand the
human mind.

The Royal Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was once the
largest Library in the world. Established around the 3rd century BC,
it contained in most of the knowledge amassed during ancient times.
Unfortunately, it burned down and the knowledge that was lost is
unknown. We will never truly know what was lost. It is possible
that answers to all kinds of mysteries were lost. The cure for or
prevention of various diseases, how the pyramids and other ancient
structures were built or moved, and maybe, what a Ouija Board was
really used for and how to use it!

In modern times, people generally use the board for occasions
that are related to it's use in the past. Simply, because no other
use is known or has been discovered. But, someday, scientists may
find that it is not a toy at all. The mind still holds many mysteries.
It is known that some religious leaders in some cultures can make
spheres or balls of light appear. They can also control them.
Some of these leaders may not actually know what they are doing or
how they are actually doing it. If this is possible, than could it
also be possible that some people could unknowingly create images
or actual physical items?

This could explain a lot of things such as ghosts, ufos, and a number
of other items. These things could be manifested by the person
seeing it or by someone else.


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